Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 25, 28, 29
 January 25
Future wise testing

January 28
1) Formal Letter Format review

2)Review Homework - discuss ordering subtopic for essay

HOMEWORK:  Write an essay using the prompt below and including 3 support paragraphs.  Have a strong thesis statement.  Time yourself and write for no longer than 30 minutes.

Schools should abolish homework -AGREE

1. time for more hobbies
    a.  supports college applications
2. more time for family (and friends)
3. take care of personal business
4. go to sleep earlier
    a. good for health

January 29
1) Persuasive Writing

Persuasive Letter Writing practice

Homework:  Using the below link, take this essay and make it into a formal persuasive letter to me asking me to abolish homework from this class.  Use the school address as my address.

                                                                  Down With Homework

Homework is a waste of my time. Homework is believed to be the solution to achieve academic success, but it’s not. It doesn’t allow for balance in your life.  It doesn’t allow for personal relationships to develop. It’s not good for your health. Homework should be abolished.
First of all humans need to have a balanced life. Developing hobbies is one way to accomplish this. Hobbies like music and sports also help teens relax. Stress kills creativity and tension leaves the student exhausted.  Hobbies and interests also boost a student’s chances for getting into the college of the student’s choice. College Application Officers look for well-rounded applicants.
In addition, people don’t last forever and homework takes the student away from their family and friends.  Parents and grandparents are older and they have great stories to tell and we can learn a lot from them. It’s really important to appreciate and enjoy the time we have together.  Developing friendships helps the student to establish and advance their own personality and learn to get along with others. These skills are essential for the future.
Finally, homework interrupts sleep. Studies indicate that teens require 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night to be healthy.  Many students are overloaded with take homework and only go to sleep at midnight or 1am.  Consequently, the next day they are tired and cannot pay attention in class and miss a lot of information during lessons. 
Homework is counter-productive. A better solution would be for students to complete all their classwork during lessons and not take home stress and spend their evenings in isolation.

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