Saturday, October 3, 2015

October 5, 8, 9

October 5

1) Check homework
2) Pre-reading activity - Question, The Landlady, An Observation

Question: If you were seventeen years old and being sent to do some work for a company in an unfamiliar town, would you expect the company to organise accommodation for you in advance or not? 

The Landlady  

An Observation by Billy Weaver  


October 8
Each of you needs to set language goals for the year. What are your goals for Term 1? How will you meet these goals?  What are your goals for Term 2? How will you meet those goals? 
Choose goals that are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based.

Your version of The Landlady  

You have briefly met the characters. Build your own story about them by answering the following questions (the answers are in your imagination!) Work in small groups to work out your own version of the story 'The Landlady' before you read Roald Dahl's version.

Homework:  Finish your story 


Your version of The Landlady  

You have briefly met the characters. Build your own story about them by answering the following questions (the answers are in your imagination!) Work in small groups to work out your own version of the story 'The Landlady' before you read Roald Dahl's version.

1)The Landlady text:

2) Download the "word work" file from ManageBac

3) Comparative Adjectives

Homework:  Comparative Adjectives (João, Julie)

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