Monday, February 11, 2019

Monday, February 4, 2019

February 4, 5, 7

Image result for bullying meme

February 4

Research "Bullying"
Look at vocabulary, videos, articles, websites, memes

February 5, 6
1.  To prepare for Task 4 of the English Language Acquisition portfolio it is necessary for your to know how to write the following text types:

    Journal writing        Journal writing is the process of recording personal insights, reflections and questions on assigned or personal topics. Journal projects assigned in class may include your thoughts about daily experiences, reading assignments, current events or science experiments.
    Article for school magazine


    blog post

    letter to a friend

Use the above links to help you review each text type.

2.  Choose 1 or 2 test types and write 200-250 words on the topic of your choice to practice your writing.  Remember to use transitional words.

If you need help with a writing prompt, check out this site:

Sunday, January 27, 2019

January 28, 29, 31

January 28, 29

1. How I responded to sexism in gaming with empathy - Lilian Chen

strand ii questions:

  • What is the main purpose of this video? justify your answer
  • Who is the target audience for this video? justify your answer
  • What does the Lilian Chen want us to think and feel about sexism in gaming? 
strand iii questions:

  • If you were to create a video with the same message for young people, how would you do it? Explain, include details.
  • What conclusions could you draw from this video? Give examples in the text that help you think this. 
  • Would you recommend this video to someone else? Why or why not? Explain, include details.

2.  Simile vs Metaphor
Related image Image result for metaphor simile

Online quiz:  

January 29

Watch the video; answer the questions
Strand i
1. Explain why is the speaker apologising to future generations?
2. Give 3 examples of how people do nothing.
3. To whom does “we” refer to?
4. What can be inferred when the speaker says, “Oh, you don´t know much about trees, do you?”
5. Give three reasons to support the speaker’s opinion in the video that trees are beneficial to us.

Strand ii
6. The creator purposefully uses animation to show nature? Why does s/he do this?
7. Who is the intended/target audience of this video? Why do you think this? Justify your answer.
8. What does the creator want us to think and feel about our planet? He wants us to know the planet is in danger . . . How does s/he do this? By showing what will happen if we continue on our path of destruction. . .
9. What effect was the creator aiming for by filming the majority of this video in the desert?

Strand iii
10. What conclusions are drawn in this video? Support your answer with evidence from the text. 
11. What evidence does the speaker give to support his opinion, argument, ideas, viewpoint?
12. Would you recommend this video to a someone else? Explain why or why not.
13. Would you or do you “stand for trees?” Explain why or why not.

January 31
Criterion A Assessment - Comprehending spoken and visual text

Thursday, January 17, 2019

January 21, 22, 24

Image result for empathy and inclusion

January 21
Individuals & Societies eAssessment practice

January 22
Criterion B - Comprehending Written and Visual Text Assessment

January 24

Inclusion Video

 Discussion Guide:

Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 14, 15, 17

January 14
2 students absent, 1 student in English A practice test

January 15

1.  Discuss homework: Reading practice (Criterion B): 

2. Dyslexia - CNN article:  This is what reading is like if you have dyslexia

January 17
3.  Empathy - Take the quiz

4.  Ted Ed
Watch video: Brené Brown on Empathy and answer the questions.

5.   What is empathy? research this
      Is empathy always a good thing?
6.  Quizlet:
7.  Find a definition for the word "guilt".  What does it mean?  How does it feel?

January 21
Criterion B - Comprehending Written and Visual Text Assessment

Sunday, January 6, 2019

January 7, 8, 10

Image result for empathy and inclusion
January 7

Unit title: Empathy and inclusion
Global context: Fairness and development
Key concept: Connections
Related concept(s): Empathy, purpose
Statement of inquiry: Language allows us to express and promote empathy in order to create connections, leading to an inclusive community

Inquiry questions:
Factual: What is empathy?   What is an inclusive community?
Conceptual: How do we use language to express and promote empathy?  How do we use language to promote an inclusive community? How empathetic am I? Do we always need empathy in order to connect with others? 
Debatable: Do we always need empathy in order to connect with others?

January 8 
Research:  People who wear uniforms and the reasons for wear uniforms.
Service as Action - MYP
What is Service as Action?
What kinds of Service as Action activities are students at OIS doing?
How does Service as Action promote inclusiveness in our community?

January 9
Reading practice (Criterion B): 

HOMEWORK:  Finish reading the article and in "Activities" complete Power Words and Quiz.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 3, 2019

2019 Happy New Year vector calligraphy lettering

January 3

2. More info about blog writing

Try it yourself - Write a blog post of 200-250 words on one of the following:
  My Country or Culture – Publish facts about your country or write a post on food, songs, stories, clothing or a cultural event that is popular where you come from. Check out Thanumi’s Fun Facts About Greece or My Country for inspiration. Additionally, Thunny’s Culture and Family post explains how the Songkran festival is celebrated in her country.

  My School – Write about your school, the history of your school, a famous person who went to your school, your favorite subject etc. Mrs Yollis’ students made a video about their school to share with their blogging buddies. Also, check out Gracie’s Dress to Impress post on school dress code and Olivia’s school history post.

  Favorite…anything – Publish a post that discusses topics you’re passionate about. You could write about your favorite animal, foods, activities, TV show, movie, holiday etc. Lucie’s choice was Friends, TV and popcorn. Karah shares her favorite sports, and Marianne shared her story creating passion. Victor shares why Christmas is his favorite holiday, while Leila explains why she loves 4th July.